Building Sealing

Building Sealing Looks Your Area Clean

Building sealing refers to the process of sealing gaps, cracks, and other openings in the building envelope (walls, roof, floors, and foundation) to prevent unwanted airflow in and out of the building. This can include sealing around windows, doors, ductwork, electrical outlets, and light fixtures. Building sealing can improve the energy efficiency of the building, reduce drafts, and prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to mold growth and pest infestation. Additionally, proper building sealing also helps to improve indoor air quality and comfort by reducing the amount of dust, allergens, and pollutants that can enter the building.

Building sealing also includes the sealing of ducts, vents, and other areas of HVAC systems that can have leaks. This is important to improve the efficiency of heating and cooling systems and reduce energy consumption.

The process of building sealing can include various techniques, such as:

  • Weatherstripping: installing material around doors and windows to reduce drafts and improve energy efficiency.
  • Caulking: filling gaps and cracks in the building envelope with a flexible sealant to prevent airflow and moisture infiltration.
  • Spray foam insulation: injecting foam insulation into gaps and cracks in the building envelope to seal and insulate
  • Duct sealing: using mastic sealant or metal tape to seal leaks in ducts and vents
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